Monday, 15 April 2013


In a good mood today, its been sunny and warm enough to have windows open :) and I feel like I've been productive.
Haven't in actual fact, but I've made a list of things that I need to do before I go back to uni in just under two weeks, I emptied the dishwasher and did an aerobics workout.
Considering I've been up just over 3 hours, its not so bad.

Plan to do a little revision later, or maybe just make a list of things to revise. I know lists seem like they are just another way to procrastinate, but I work off lists quite well.

Foodwise, it's been an iffy couple of days. Saturday was pretty good because I was working literally all day and burned off loads of calories, without really having the chance to eat. I also turned down a maccies which is a good sign. (and the people I was working for offered me more work which is always handy! Plus two of the guys I was working with were HOT. Could definitely handle working with them again!)
Yesterday, not so good, was so tired from not getting in from work til 6am that I just crashed all day, my mum said I was sort of jetlagged, but I just felt hungover all day, and when I'm hungover I just eat and eat and eat.
But today I'm feeling good again, I had some leftover vegetable pasta bake for lunch and haven't had anything else yet, though mum is making shepherds pie for tea and she does... generous helpings.

Feeling really postive about getting some weight off before summer :)

Still have my pathetic little crush on inappropriate guy. So irritating as this guy I really fancied last year has started talking to me on fb all the time again, and it would be much more convenient for me to like him, but no, my heart has to be awkward. Feel like I need to put it on lockdown for a while.

Also rather irritatingly I think I'm having an allergic reaction to my Pill. I have never been allergic to anything in my life, so this is really really annoying. Will have to talk to the doc about it when I go back to get more, maybe they can change me to a different one or something.

Love and light thoughts!

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