Monday, 3 December 2012

Small Victories


Feeling pretty perky today (been doing some major essay work and may have actually made a dint in it).
Super jealous of my friend getting food poisioning though, thats like a guarantee no calories for at least two days. But I'm never ill, so hey ho.

I've not done too bad on calorie consumption today though, my calorie tracker says my total for today was just short of 500. Admittedly thats not including the Vitamin Water I had for lunch which is something ridiculous like 100 calories, but I needed an energy boost (plus that have like a billion vitamins in). I've figured out the best way to ration my calories so no-one really twigs - if I don't eat AT ALL until tea-time-ish and say I got lunch earlier, or on campus or something, then have a light tea which is basically just veg, then it keeps it down which makes me happy.

My scales told me I was 125 lbs today, which I know is still quite hefty, but it's the lowest I've been in absolute years. I'm not gonna get too excited about it though, cos there's a strong chance in the morning it will have gone back up a bit :( but still, small victory for now!

Hmm. Nothing else to say really.
Had a super awkward meeting with one of my lecturers today where I had to choose an essay question and she was trying to pry without being too obvious. Irritated me a bit because I really like her. I think she's my real-life thinspo, she's about my height, but super-slim. Rather jealous.

Oh and I watched a show on BBC3 about a beauty pageant for fat people, such good reverse thinspo! Seeing all these women jiggle around in bikini's. Was kind of disgusting but a good motivator :) Bit awkward though, one of my housemates is a 'larger lady' and I kept making comments without thinkiing about the fact that she was sat right there. Oopsie. She's on Weightwatchers, so she's not completely oblivious, but STILL. And she doesn't stick to it anyways, she'c constantly making food, and not healthy stuff like salads either, its all pastry and great whacking slabs of bread and butter.

And one of my other housemates who's a bit tubby came in all upset over some drama with this knob-head guy she likes, and kept saying to us all "I've not ate since breakfast" and "I don't even want tea" (yeah, like thats a big deal babe) and then I went into the kitchen and found her eating this dirty great chocolate muffin which apparantly "doesn't count as food". What an idiot. And then about an hour later she had the biggest tea in the world, a load of chips and these two whopping chicken breasts in bacon. Kind of made me glad in a way though cos the stink of the chicken (I'm a veggie in case I haven't mentioned yet!) plus this horrid sound she makes where she smacks her lips together as she eats totally put me off my baked sweet potato, so I had an excuse not to finish it :)

Adios, Amigos

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